
Oil Spill Dispersant Type-III 20 Ltrs

Availability: In stock

Sku: RXSOL-17-1047-020

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It is a bio-degradable low toxic product with excellent efficiency of oil dispersant nature . This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which subsequent dispersion takes place.

RXSOL-17-1047-020 Emulsifier  based product with excellence  efficiency and low toxicity with superior penetrating & surface active agents . This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which dispersion takes place .

AREA: At SEA , at shore either in port or off board , for industrial purpose.

Procedure Of  Use:-

RXSOL-17-1047-020   is used concentrated  by  direct spraying to clean up oil spills at sea . It  can  be  applied  by hand spray, work boats with  mounted  spray booms , or  fire  hoses  with  injectors. Allow  some  time  for  the  oil to  absorb the   RXSOL-17-1047-020   and  then  disperse  mixture   by vigorous   agitation   using   Fire   hoses ,   Ship's propeller, Breaker boards towed  behind work boats ,  etc .

Oil – On – Beaches – And – Shore – Line
RXSOL-17-1047-020   should  be applied  neat by spraying over oiled areas. Allow time for the oil to  absorb  the DISPERSANT then follow by washing down the beach or rocks, etc. The treatment  rate  depends on the  nature  and  thickness of  the oil spill, also on  the age and condition. Under conditions where it is  a  thin slick of oil, 1 litre of  RXSOL-17-1047-020 is enough to treat approximately 20-30 Sq.M of oil. In many cases, several applications  may be necessary. (Depends on the size of contamination in the affected area )

Oil Spill On Deck
Remove as much of the oil as possible, then spray  RXSOL-17-1047-020 over area covered by the oil  &  allow some time for it to be absorbed. Disperse the mixture with water by means of a fire hose Depending on type of oil it may be necessary to use several applications.


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