AMMONIUM Bifluoride Crystal

Availability: In stock

Sku: RXSOL-81-6212-050

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Quick Overview

If the acid used in the working mixture of hydrofluoric acid (45%), it would take 1.55 times more than if we use a dry ammonium bifluoride.

Ammonium fluoride is a white crystalline solid. It is soluble in water. It is noncombustible. It is corrosive to aluminum. It is used in chemical analysis, in brewing, and as a preservative for wood.

Etching and engraving glass

For chemical glass matting

Cleaning boilers and pipes from rust

As a substitute for hydrofluoric acid

Wash oil pipelines

To dissolve deposits in the wells

Bottomhole treatment


Ammonium Bifluoride successfully replaces the traditional, but a dangerous and aggressive material – hydrofluoric acid, which is very aggressive, corrodes many materials, causing severe burns, releases harmful to breathe fumes. Ammonium bifluoride use instead of hydrofluoric acid is safer for use, storage and transportation and is less harmful, and reduce your costs by 10 – 15%.

Matt drawing on glass can be obtained chemically. For this glass coated with a thin layer of wax. Prepared in advance figure is placed on the reverse side of the glass to the light, and the blunt end of the needle scratched necessary in paraffin sections. Then, using clay to make the glass cell and poured back etching solutions based on ammonium bifluoride.
Ammonium bifluoride use instead of hydrofluoric acid greatly simplifies the processing of glass, making it safer and less harmful, and reduce your costs by 10 – 15%.

In oil extraction method has been successfully applied acidizing bottom-hole, you can restore and improve the filtration characteristics, dissolve and loosen deposits in the well and increase the permeability layer zones and thus debit wells.
Usually for cooking acidic mixture used technical Hydrofluoric acid. When you replace it on ammonium bifluoride savings of 10-15%. For comparison, if the acid used in the working mixture of hydrofluoric acid (45%), it would take 1.55 times more than if we use a dry ammonium bifluoride.



Additional information



Product Name


Product Type

Ammonium Fluoride

Company Details:

105, A wing , BSEL , TECH PARK.



+91 22 65113333 / 5555 / 9999


+91 22 2781 1318 :::AOH :0091 9821214367


SARA 313 Component

 CAS Number




Ammonium Fluoride

 CAS# 12125-01-8




May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed thru the skin. Avoid all contact. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after use. Keep container closed.

Emergency Overview:Danger! May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled. Early symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. Later effects include central nervous system effects, cardiovascular effects, and death. Affects respiratory system, heart, skeleton, circulatory system, central nervous system and kidneys. Causes irritation and burns to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Irritation and burn effects may be delayed. Harmful if absorbed through skin.

Inhalation:May Cause Irritation and Burns to the Respiratory Tract; Symptoms May Include Coughing, Sore Throat, and Labored Breathing. Irritation and Burning Effects May Not Appear Immediately.

Ingestion:May cause Salivation, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Abdominal Pain, Followed by Weakness, Tremors, Shallow Respiration, Cardopedal Spasm, Convulsions, and Coma. May Cause Brain and Kidney Damage. Death May Caused by Respiratory Paralysis. Affects Heart and Circulatory System.

Skin:Causes Severe Irritation and Possibly Burns to the Skin. May be Absorbed through the Skin. Effects may not Appear Immediately.

Eye Contact:Causes Irritation. May be Extremely Irritating with Possible Burns to Eye Tissue and Permanent Eye Damage may Result.

Chronic Exposure:Chronic Exposure may Cause Mottling of Teeth and Bone Damage(osteosclerosis) and luorosis. Symptoms of Floursis Include Brittle Bones; Weight Loss, Anemia, Calcification of ligaments,eneral ill Health and Joint Stiffness.

Aggravated by Exposure:Populations that Appear to be at increased Risk from the Effects of Fluoride are Individuals that Suffer from Diabetes insipidus or some forms of Renal Impairment.

May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed thru the skin. Avoid all contact. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after use. Keep container closed.



Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed area with soap and water. if irritation persists, seek medical attention.


 Wash eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lids occasionally.
Seek Medical Aid. 


 Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen


 If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately after giving two glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

Fire Extinguisher Type:

Any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire

Fire / Explosion Hazards:

 None Known

Fire Fighting Procedure:

Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and clothing.

Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Dispose of in a manner consistent with federal, local law.

Spills: Ventilate area of Leak or Spill. Allow Only Qualified Personnel to Handle Spill. Clean-Up Personnel Require Protective Clothing and Respirator Protection from Vapors. Absorb Material with Paper Towel and Place in a Closed Contain for recovery or disposal Do Not Flush to Sewer! Decontaminate Liquid Resides in Spill Area with Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite Solution. US Regulations (CERCLA) Require Reporting Spills and Releases to Soil, Water and Air in Excess of Reportable Quantities.

Store in a cool dry place. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling.

Respiratory Protection

None required





Protective Gloves

Gloves to prevent skin exposure as rubber or vinyl


Splash Goggles

Other Protective Equipment

Wear appropriate clothing to prevent
skin exposure


Information not available


Not available


Information not available


Not available



Appearance /Odors

Colorless, odorless liquid

Flash Point

Not flammable

Specific Gravity

Information not available

Percent Volatile by


Evaporation Standard


Auto Ignition Temp

Not applicable

Lower Flamm. Limit in Air

Not applicable

Upper Flamm. Limit in Air

Not applicable

Solubility in Water





see incompatibilities 


Potassium chlorate, Sodium nitrate, Chlorine trifluoride and calcium solution, Corrodes glass.


Emits Hydrogen fluoride, NO and ammonia.


Will not occur

Conditions to Avoid

 None known

Carcinogenic References: IARC Category – None, NTP Carcinogen – Known: No

Environmental Fate:No Information Found.

Environmental Toxicity:This material is not expected to be toxic to aquatic life. The LC50/96-hour values for fish are over 100 mg/l.

What ever cannot be Saved for Recovery or Recycling should be Managed in an Appropriate and Approved Waste Facility. Dispose of Container and Unused Contents in Accordance with Federal, State, and Local Requirements.

DOT Classification: UN3287, Toxic Liquid, Inorganic, n.o.s. (Ammonium Fluoride), 6.1, PG III

DOT Regulations may change from time to time. Please consult the most recent D.O.T. regulations.

Chemical Inventory Status –
Part 1:Ingrdient Ammonium Fluoride (12125-01-8)
EC Yes
Japan YES
Australia Yes

Chemical Inventory Status –
Part 2:Ingredient
Ammonium Fluoride (12125-01-8)
Korea                 Yes         
DSL                    Yes          
NDSL                 No           
Phil.                    Yes         

Federal, State & International Regulations –
Part 1: Ingredient.
Ammonium Fluoride (12125-01-8)
RQ          No          
TPQ        No           
List          NO         
Chemical Catg: No

Federal, State &
International Regulations –
Part 2:Ingredient
Ammonium Fluoride (12125-01-8)
CERCLA        NO          
261.33            No          
8(d)                  No         

Chemical Weapons Convention: No
TSCA 12 (b):No
CDTA:No PURE crystal
SARA 311/312: Acute: YES
Chronic: YES
Fire: No
Pressure: No
Reactivity: No
Australian Hazchem Code: 2X
Poison Schedule: None allocated 

Danger! May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled. Early symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. Later effectsinclude central nervous system effects, cardiovascular efffects and death. Affects respiratory system, heart, skeleton, circulatory system, central nervous system and kidneys. . Causes severe irritation to tissues of the mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, eyes and skin. Persons with pre existing eye, skin or respiratory conditions may be more susceptible. Ingestion may cause tremors, shallow respiration, convulsions and coma. May cause brain and kidney damage. Death may be caused by




 0.1 updated msds to 16 section from 10 section msds. STN



The information herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the user's consideration and investigation. No warranty either expressed or implied is made for the completeness or accuracy of the information whether originating from the above mentioned company or not. Users of this material should satisfy themselves by independent investigation of current scientific and medical knowledge that the material


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