
Corroision Inhibitor for Closed/Chilled Systems with Nitrite & Indicator

Availability: In stock

Sku: RXSOL-40-4020-025

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Nitrite based closed circuit inhibitor 1000ppm at 0.50%

multi-functional, nitrite-based chemical treatment used for the control of corrosion in closed cooling systems and chilled water systems
RXSOL-40-4020  is a high performance nitrite based closed circuit inhibitor with indicator. Nitrite > 1000ppm at 0.50%. It is multi-functional corrosion inhibitor for protecting recalculating cooling and heating water systems. RXSOL-40-4020 treatment is an excellent treatment for diesel engine primary and secondary cooling water. It is also ideally suited for use in chilled water systems because it forms a clear, non-staining solution, which protects the system from corrosion and hard water scale.


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