It is a heavy duty non corrosive concentrated cost effective surfactant solution used for surface cleaning applications. This cleaning compound is soluble in fresh and salt water , also suitable with high presure cleanig machines. Ideal for difficult cleaning problems faced in industrial and other plants, Very effective degreaser which removes dirt, oil and grease from the equipment, parts, components, engines, floors and walls etc.
For use of general degreasing of engine rooms, rig platform, cargo hold, refrigerated rooms etc. Also Removes dirt, oil and grease from equipment, parts, components, engines and industrial floors and walls.
It can be used with either hard or soft water.
• Cleans rig floors and equipment
• Degreases shop floors
• Disperses in petroleum-based fluids and solubilizes in water
20-50 % with fresh water . Also acts as an acid-neutralizing agent for Boiler & Colling systems during cleaning & maintenance.
Heavy Soil deposition :::: Use Undiluted from to 20-50% diluted with water. Apply full strength to remove thick deposits of oil and grease, varnish, floor wax, and to wash rig floor and equipment.
Medium soil deposition :::: 10-20% diluted with water.
Use in 1:5 dilution with kerosene for solvent wash tanks and to clean mechanical parts.
Light Soil ( general degreasing ) ::::: 5-10% diluted with water. Use in 1:10 dilution with water for general purpose cleaning.
• Appearance Clear red liquid
• Flash point, > 210°F
• Flash point, > 99°C
• Specific gravity 1.01
Caution:The product can be slightly corrosive to mild steel and can damage painted surfaces with frequent or prolonged exposure.
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