
Sulphuric ( Sulfuric ) Acid LR 2.5Ltrs

Availability: In stock

Sku: RXSOL-60-2432-002

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  • CAS Number 7664-93-9

  • Linear Formula H2SO4

  • Molecular Weight 98.08


Pure sulfuric acid has a specific gravity of 1.830 at 25° C (77° F); it freezes at 10.37° C (50.7° F). When heated, the pure acid partially decomposes into water and sulfur trioxide; the latter escapes as a vapour until the concentration of the acid falls to 98.3 percent. This mixture of sulfuric acid and water boils at a constant temperature of 338° C (640° F) at one atmosphere pressure. Sulfuric acid is commonly supplied at concentrations of 78, 93, or 98 percent.


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